We have designed a number of itineraries to quench the most adventurous of thirsts. All you need to do is make it to Cornwall and we will take care of the rest. We provide the accommodation, we will pick you up in the morning, and we take you from location to location, activity to activity. We design the experience, we guide the experience. We do the planning and thinking so you can focus on the important parts, meeting like minded people and throwing yourself into each of the activities. 


We have: the Weekend Warrior, the Hybrid Fitness Adventure, the Surfari and School, and the All-Round Adventure.

The Weekend Warrior 

Post-work train to Truro 7AM Morning SUP with special
outdoor breakfast
8AM Beach bootcamp / coastal run 7AM Yoga and stretch on the beach
7pm Collection 9AM Return to guesthouse 9AM Post-exercise wild swim 8AM Wild swim
8pm Welcome drink and beach bonfire 10.30AM Drive to idyllic cove 10AM Breakfast and chill. Coffees in Falmouth. 9AM Breakfast
8.30pm Supper on the beach 11AM Hike SW Coastal Path 12PM Drive to scenic spot 10AM Drive to North Coast for Surf Lesson
8pm Welcome drink and beach bonfire 10.30AM Drive to idyllic cove 10AM Breakfast and chill. Coffees in Falmouth. 9AM Breakfast
10.30pm Bed 12.30PM Lunch with a view 11PM Pasties for lunch 1PM Lunch
3PM Drive to North Coast for Surf Lesson 2PM Drive to Coasteering location/td> 3PM Pack
16.30PM Dry off, fire, and a beer, or two 4PM Swim in natural tidal pool 5PM Drop at Truro train station
8PM Dinner in Falmouth 5PM Dry off, fire, drink 9PM Back in London
10.30PM Bed 17PM Dinner out
11PM Bed

The Hybrid Fitness Adventure

2PM Arrive (flexible) 6AM Morning SUP with special breakfast 8AM Beach bootcamp 8AM Yoga and stretching
5PM Beach Bootcamp (if dry), Gym Project (if wet). 9AM Return to guesthouse 9AM Wild swim recovery 9AM Wild swim recovery
6PM Wild swim recovery 11AM Coastal trail run 10AM Breakfast and chill 10AM Breakfast
7PM Beach bonfire, drinks 1PM Cool down and lunch 11AM Drive to St Ives for explore, coffees, and lunch 11AM Coasteering
8PM Beach supper 3PM Drive to North Coast for Surf Lesson 3PM Sand Dune Mayhem 2PM Lunch
11PM Bed 6PM Beach fire 4PM Surf hour 3PM Pack and depart
7PM BBQ Supper 5PM Beach beers/td> 8PM Arrive back in London
11PM Bed 7PM Dinner in Falmouth
11PM Bed

Surfari and School

3PM Arrive 7AM Beach yoga 7AM Morning SUP 8AM Surfit and wild swim recovery 9AM Yoga, stretch, wild swim recovery
5PM SUP and swim 8AM Breakfast 8AM Special breakfast 10AM Breakfast 11AM Coffee in Falmouth
7PM Beach fire and drinks 9AM Surf lesson 9AM Guesthouse chill 11AM Surf lesson 12PM Pack
8PM Beach supper 12PM Lunch in nearby scenic Cornish town 11AM Surf lesson 2PM Lunch at Sabzi 1PM Depart
10PM Bed 2PM Surf theory in the dunes 2PM Lunch at spot 4PM Coasteering
4PM Free surf 4PM Scenic SW Coastal Path walk 6PM Beach fire
7PM Dinner in Falmouth 7PM Dinner 7PM Beach BBQ and beers
11PM Bed 11PM Bed 11PM Bed

What’s included? 

  • Pick up from Truro train station (if applicable) 

  • Accommodation

  • Breakfast

  • First evening dinner

  • Transport to every activity 

  • All equipment (including wetsuit, surfboards, SUPs, etc.)

  • T-Shirt

  • Cap

  • Dry robe use 

  • All guiding 

  • All instruction

What’s not included? 

  • Transport to Cornwall

  • Lunches 

  • Dinners

  • Any snacks / coffees you want during the trip